Upcoming events.

Lenten Bible Study

Lenten Bible Study

We will meet for a series of six Wednesdays to discuss the book of John.

There will be a simple soup supper at 6pm prior to the Bible study at 7pm.

Come for a time of warmth, reflection and fellowship Wednesday evenings during Lent.

This study will be facilitated by Rev. Katharine Howe Toledano.

It will be held onsite in the Parlor and via Zoom, https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87211508439.

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Newsletter Article Deadline

Newsletter Article Deadline

Today is the deadline for articles for April’s version of the monthly newsletter, Pilgrim’s Progress.

These articles do not have to be long.  They could just be a few sentences.  If it is a longer article, please cap it at 500 words so it will fit on one page.  If an article needs a picture, e.g., Pilgrim Profiles, please provide that too.

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Lenten Retreat

Lenten Retreat

Join us for a Lenten Retreat!

Join us 10am-12:30pm for a time of reflection, song and movement as we journey through Lent. Pause to give yourself space and peace for a couple of hours on a Saturday morning.

Led by Rev. Toledano, Naomi Self and others. We will walk the Labyrinth, stretch, journal and maybe even have a sound bath.

Please register with Gayle at mail@pilgrim-church.com so we know you are coming and if you need childcare. Register by March 17th.

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Lenten Bible Study

Lenten Bible Study

We will meet for a series of six Wednesdays to discuss the book of John.

There will be a simple soup supper at 6pm prior to the Bible study at 7pm.

Come for a time of warmth, reflection and fellowship Wednesday evenings during Lent.

This study will be facilitated by Rev. Katharine Howe Toledano.

It will be held onsite in the Parlor, and via Zoom, https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87211508439.

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Lenten Bible Study

Lenten Bible Study

We will meet for a series of six Wednesdays to discuss the book of John.

There will be a simple soup supper at 6pm prior to the Bible study at 7pm.

Come for a time of warmth, reflection and fellowship Wednesday evenings during Lent.

This study will be facilitated by Rev. Katharine Howe Toledano.

It will be held onsite in the Parlor, and via Zoom, https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87211508439.

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Lenten Bible Study

Lenten Bible Study

We will meet for a series of six Wednesdays to discuss the book of John.

There will be a simple soup supper at 6pm prior to the Bible study at 7pm.

Come for a time of warmth, reflection and fellowship Wednesday evenings during Lent.

This study will be facilitated by Rev. Katharine Howe Toledano.

It will be held onsite in the Parlor, and via Zoom, https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87211508439.

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Lenten Bible Study

Lenten Bible Study

We will meet for a series of six Wednesdays to discuss the book of John.

There will be a simple soup supper at 6pm prior to the Bible study at 7pm.

Come for a time of warmth, reflection and fellowship Wednesday evenings during Lent.

This study will be facilitated by Rev. Katharine Howe Toledano.

It will be held onsite in the Parlor, and via Zoom, https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87211508439.

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Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday

We will have a Tenebrae service with Communion at 7pm. We will gather around the table to commemorate the Lord’s Supper.

It will be held onsite at 400 Glenwood Drive.

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Good Friday Service (Second Presbyterian)

Good Friday Service (Second Presbyterian)

The Good Friday service will be a shared service at Second Presbyterian. The church address is 700 Pine Street.

Reverand Toledano, and others from Pilgrim will participate.

Jim Bailiff will provide the music.

Please join us for a brief and solemn service.

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Newsletter Article Deadline

Newsletter Article Deadline

Today is the deadline for articles for May’s version of the monthly newsletter, Pilgrim’s Progress.

These articles do not have to be long.  They could just be a few sentences.  If it is a longer article, please cap it at 500 words so it will fit on one page.  If an article needs a picture, e.g., Pilgrim Profiles, please provide that too.

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Chattanooga Sister Cities - Flavors of the World

Chattanooga Sister Cities - Flavors of the World

Save the date for the annual Flavors of the World gala.

You can sample dishes representing the City of Chattanooga’s seven global sister cities — Wuxi, China; Hamm, Germany; Wolfsburg, Germany; Givatayim, Israel; Nizhny Tagil, Russia; Tono, Japan; and Accra, Ghana.

Global entertainers will kick off the event at 6 p.m., and the international cuisine will be served along with salad, bread and dessert beginning at 6:30 p.m.

Advance tickets are required. Details forthcoming.

If you would like to join Sister Cities of Chattanooga (dues are only $30 per person annually or $50 per couple annually), or find out more about this organization, please contact Karen at fraufrizz@aol.com

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Newsletter Article Deadline

Newsletter Article Deadline

Today is the deadline for articles for June’s version of the monthly newsletter, Pilgrim’s Progress.

These articles do not have to be long.  They could just be a few sentences.  If it is a longer article, please cap it at 500 words so it will fit on one page.  If an article needs a picture, e.g., Pilgrim Profiles, please provide that too.

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Newsletter Article Deadline

Newsletter Article Deadline

Today is the deadline for articles for July’s version of the monthly newsletter, Pilgrim’s Progress.

These articles do not have to be long.  They could just be a few sentences.  If it is a longer article, please cap it at 500 words so it will fit on one page.  If an article needs a picture, e.g., Pilgrim Profiles, please provide that too.

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Newsletter Article Deadline

Newsletter Article Deadline

Today is the deadline for articles for August’s version of the monthly newsletter, Pilgrim’s Progress.

These articles do not have to be long.  They could just be a few sentences.  If it is a longer article, please cap it at 500 words so it will fit on one page.  If an article needs a picture, e.g., Pilgrim Profiles, please provide that too.

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Newsletter Article Deadline

Newsletter Article Deadline

Today is the deadline for articles for September’s version of the monthly newsletter, Pilgrim’s Progress.

These articles do not have to be long.  They could just be a few sentences.  If it is a longer article, please cap it at 500 words so it will fit on one page.  If an article needs a picture, e.g., Pilgrim Profiles, please provide that too.

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Newsletter Article Deadline

Newsletter Article Deadline

Today is the deadline for articles for October’s version of the monthly newsletter, Pilgrim’s Progress.

These articles do not have to be long.  They could just be a few sentences.  If it is a longer article, please cap it at 500 words so it will fit on one page.  If an article needs a picture, e.g., Pilgrim Profiles, please provide that too.

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Newsletter Article Deadline

Newsletter Article Deadline

Today is the deadline for articles for November’s version of the monthly newsletter, Pilgrim’s Progress.

These articles do not have to be long.  They could just be a few sentences.  If it is a longer article, please cap it at 500 words so it will fit on one page.  If an article needs a picture, e.g., Pilgrim Profiles, please provide that too.

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Newsletter Article Deadline

Newsletter Article Deadline

Today is the deadline for articles for December’s version of the monthly newsletter, Pilgrim’s Progress.

These articles do not have to be long.  They could just be a few sentences.  If it is a longer article, please cap it at 500 words so it will fit on one page.  If an article needs a picture, e.g., Pilgrim Profiles, please provide that too.

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Newsletter Article Deadline

Newsletter Article Deadline

Today is the deadline for articles for January’s version of the monthly newsletter, Pilgrim’s Progress.

These articles do not have to be long.  They could just be a few sentences.  If it is a longer article, please cap it at 500 words so it will fit on one page.  If an article needs a picture, e.g., Pilgrim Profiles, please provide that too.

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Lenten Bible Study

Lenten Bible Study

We will meet for a series of six Wednesdays to discuss the book of John.

There will be a simple soup supper at 6pm prior to the Bible study at 7pm.

Come for a time of warmth, reflection and fellowship Wednesday evenings during Lent.

This study will be facilitated by Rev. Katharine Howe Toledano.

It will be held onsite in the Parlor and via Zoom, https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87211508439.

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Newsletter Article Deadline

Newsletter Article Deadline

Today is the deadline for articles for March’s version of the monthly newsletter, Pilgrim’s Progress.

These articles do not have to be long.  They could just be a few sentences.  If it is a longer article, please cap it at 500 words so it will fit on one page.  If an article needs a picture, e.g., Pilgrim Profiles, please provide that too.

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Music Talk

Music Talk

Do you play an instrument? Do you sing? Dance? Or write songs? Would you like to be part of collaborative worship at Pilgrim?

Please come to a meeting at 5ish-pm on Wednesday February 19th at the church. All are welcome! Bring a snack to share or an instrument or just bring yourself!

We will have a time to dream about imaginative ways to bring in congregational leadership in song and worship on Sundays and beyond. If you are interested but cannot attend, please contact Katharine.

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Death Cafe

Death Cafe

Come join us for great conversation and cake!

At a Death Cafe, people, often strangers, gather to eat cake, drink tea and discuss death.
The objective is 'to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives'. A Death Cafe is a group directed discussion of death with no agenda, objectives or themes. It is a discussion group rather than a grief support or counselling session.

To read more about Death Cafes, click here.

Be sure to RSVP by clicking here.

This event is sponsored by Welcome Home of Chattanooga.

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Progressive Music Discussion

Progressive Music Discussion

After the service, we will have a Progressive Music Discussion from 12:20-1pm in the Sanctuary. This allows for interesting discourse between Pilgrims as we search for a Music Director. The discussions are loosely based on the book The 6 Marks of Progressive Christian Worship Music by Bryan Sirchio. Children's activities will take place during the session.

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Pub Theology Night

Pub Theology Night

Wouldn't you love to get together at a pub and talk theology?  Theology is just talking about God, life, and everything else. Bring your questions and thoughts for a PUB THEOLOGY NIGHT.

Tonight’s get-together will be at OddStory Brewing, 1604 Central Avenue

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Progressive Music Discussion

Progressive Music Discussion

After the service, we will have a Progressive Music Discussion from 12:20-1pm in the Sanctuary. This allows for interesting discourse between Pilgrims as we search for a Music Director. The discussions are loosely based on the book The 6 Marks of Progressive Christian Worship Music by Bryan Sirchio. Children's activities will take place during the session.

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African-American Poetry Reading

African-American Poetry Reading

In honor of Black History Month, Pilgrim Church will be hosting an evening of poetry by some of our most loved African-American poets on Wednesday, February 5 from 7-8pm.  

Several Pilgrims (Ellen Hendrix, Rob Shepard, Beth Bowman, and Karen Claypool) will read or recite their favorite poems from such notable poets as Langston Hughes, Lucille Clifton, Nikki Giovanni, Paul Lawrence Dunbar, Sterling Hayden, and others.  There will be a time for discussion as well.

 Come for an enjoyable literary evening!  Refreshments will be served.

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